Deqarvc Issue
DEQAR Verifiable Credential - proof of concept
GET /connectapi/v1/letstrust/vc/issue/55239?format=api
{ "@context": [ "", "", "" ], "id": "", "type": [ "VerifiableCredential", "DeqarReport" ], "issuer": { "id": "", "onBehalfOf": { "id": "", "type": "EqarRegisteredAgency", "acronym": "AQAS", "name": "Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes", "registrationValidFrom": "2008-03-04T00:00:00Z", "registrationExpirationDate": "2027-01-31T00:00:00Z" } }, "credentialSubject": { "authorizationClaims": { "accreditationType": "programme", "decision": "positive with conditions or restrictions", "report": [ "" ], "limitQualification": [ { "title": "Agricultural Mechanization and Sustainable Environment", "EQFLevel": "second cycle" }, { "title": "Agricultural Mechanization and Sustainable Environment", "EQFLevel": "third cycle" }, { "title": "Livestock Science and Sustainable Environment", "EQFLevel": "third cycle" }, { "title": "Crop Pasture Production and Sustainable Environment", "EQFLevel": "third cycle" } ], "accreditationStatus": "voluntary", "accreditationActivity": "Programme accreditation international", "id": "", "limitJurisdiction": [ "" ] }, "id": "", "type": "DeqarInstitution", "name": "Federal University of Agriculture", "identifiers": [], "legalName": "Federal University of Agriculture", "location": [ "Abeokuta, Nigeria" ] }, "credentialSchema": { "id": "", "type": "JsonSchemaValidator2018" }, "issuanceDate": "2020-02-17T00:00:00Z", "validFrom": "2020-02-17T00:00:00Z", "expirationDate": "2026-09-30T00:00:00Z", "proof": { "type": "JsonWebSignature2020", "creator": "", "created": "2025-03-14T10:18:12Z", "verificationMethod": "", "jws": "eyJiNjQiOmZhbHNlLCJjcml0IjpbImI2NCJdLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ..z-BnkYxjwnIHaOejsfvN5OWZuHlkI53csl9HRW6QnQnP2EVZwhKV4zX_zOlHXfAwRILxS01yw1IY3inrp6hIog" } }